Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Salute to a HERO who uncovered a Reagan Administration LIE

Laurie Becklund


The Courage To Uncover 

The Hidden, Ugly Truth Behind

The  Lies  of  The  Powerful ...


Laurie Becklund dies at 66; former L.A. Times reporter, author 



 Laurie Beckland, on the right, with the murderous, US-supported Dictator of El Salvador, Roberto D'Aubuisson (center),  in 1982. 


What She Did:

  The Reagan Administration insisted to the press and the world that the epidemic of killings in El Salvador of activists, democratic reformers and priests (all targets being on the Left) that had been occurring there in the early 1980s were being done by "unknown rogue groups with no discernable allegiance". 

It was all a lie, as Beckland PROVED beyond all doubt the involvement of the heavily US-backed Government's own Death Squads, set-up largely with help from US advisors and fund$ from the Reagan Administration itself

The Reagan Administration had been 

caught in a lie.  


The Reagan administration had argued that the death squads were rogue groups with no discernible allegiances, but Becklund proved otherwise. - See more at:,0,1386520.story#sthash.wXavHlpq.dpuf
"They call it Door of the Devil," wrote Times journalist Laurie Becklund in 1983, "a craggy spot not far from downtown San Salvador where the earth ends, plunging into a sheer, mist-filled ravine."
Becklund had been reporting from El Salvador for nearly four years and had finished a series of stories that would change America's perception of the violence ravaging that country.
"It's always a little foggy," a former police officer told her, "and there are these big rocks you can stand on top of to throw somebody over."
The officer worked for one of the country's intelligence agencies, and his matter-of-fact description of murder was a revelation. The Reagan administration had argued that the death squads were rogue groups with no discernible allegiances, but Becklund proved otherwise.
- See more at:,0,1386520.story#sthash.wXavHlpq.dpuf
"They call it Door of the Devil," wrote Times journalist Laurie Becklund in 1983, "a craggy spot not far from downtown San Salvador where the earth ends, plunging into a sheer, mist-filled ravine."
Becklund had been reporting from El Salvador for nearly four years and had finished a series of stories that would change America's perception of the violence ravaging that country.
"It's always a little foggy," a former police officer told her, "and there are these big rocks you can stand on top of to throw somebody over."
The officer worked for one of the country's intelligence agencies, and his matter-of-fact description of murder was a revelation. The Reagan administration had argued that the death squads were rogue groups with no discernible allegiances, but Becklund proved otherwise.
- See more at:,0,1386520.story#sthash.wXavHlpq.dpuf
The Reagan Administration continually (and dishonestly) said that the death squads were composed of independent rightists, unknown and unknowable, with no affiliation to government or army. We were to prove differently. - See more at:
The Reagan Administration continually (and dishonestly) said that the death squads were composed of independent rightists, unknown and unknowable, with no affiliation to government or army. We were to prove differently. - See more at:

Brave Reporters reveal the terrible truth about US policy in El Salvador in the 1980s 


Just 1 more example of when "The Official Story" turned out to be a blatant LIE.



Thursday, February 5, 2015

FEAR is an ancient tool of those who control their society

“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” 

Benjamin Franklin


 Since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved.
—Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince, 1513







Always look for the cui bono  (who benefits?) behind the fear that is being generated by the use of a scary enemy (terrorists, Ebola, Putin, Iran, "social--eezum",  "red states", "blue states", etc etc).
THINK about it before you simply respond to it, like a conditioned lab-rat. It is not always easy. Some folks cannot do this at all, but sadly, convince themselves they are doing it, 
just the same. These people end up justifying their own manipulation, by rationalizing their fear as more real or reality-based than it actually is.
 De-Constructing 1 major example of the use of Fear in our lives today...


Monday, February 2, 2015

Have US Presidents been Murdered By The Rothschild Banking Cartel?



Rothschilds killing US Presidents?

                               Mayer Amschal Rothschild

More than "just" US presidents may have been victims.

Money trails seem to lead to The Federal Reserve, and those who want to maintain PRIVATE control of it.

"Let me issue and control a Nation's money and I care not who makes its laws".
-------Amsel (Amschel) Bauer Mayer Rothschild, 1838
All Wars Are Bankers' Wars////Crimes of The Rothschilds 

Sunday, December 7, 2014


(Scared  yet?  Good!  Mission Accomplished)

Is Propaganda the Norm in mass-media today?


Try a cui bono for this...



Always ask, CUI BONO? ---- WHO Benefits?

"Crashes Of Convenience"
The Corbett Report 

Applying the principle of  Cui bono (who benefitted) 
implies a possible motive behind the event). Watch this, and form your own opinion...

video link:
Crashes Of Convenience


MH17: The Exploitation of A Tragedy


"There is one safeguard known generally to the wise, which is an advantage and security to all, but especially to democracies as against despots - suspicion."

Typical start to a conspiracy theory----When "The Official Story" says: "This is NOT a shark!"

Conspiracy theory, and suspicion about those in power, is as old as the history of human power structures in general.

In the history of human society, as soon as certain individuals, for reason of wealth, birth or some aspect 
of personal power or prowess, began to acquire power over other people, 
suspicions by the people subject to that power 
must have quickly developed. 

Questions arose that would be repeated thru human history like, 
"Can we still trust our rulers"?
"Are our rulers telling the truth"?
"Why are the powerful ones doing this"? 
or in particular, 
"Why are they making us do this on their behalf"?

I believe it is safe to assume that suspicions regarding mis-use of power are as old as the acquisition and use of power, themselves.

But inescapably, as history has progressed, the chief reason to suspect conspiracy theories may sometimes be true, or at least to be doubtful of "official stories",  is that there has, in reality, been a proliferation of actual conspiracies of power throughout human history, and this tendency of power to sometimes act secretly and deceptively in its own interests, exists now, and will persist until it is addressed on a mass, macro-level by society.

  A Conspiracy Theory verified---The 1953 Iran overthrow by Britain and The US, of a Democratically-elected leader who would not "play ball" with US Oil companies.

What is a "Suspicionist"?

A Suspicionist 
is a person who does not, for lack of final factual verification, completely accept any particular conspiracy theory, but who nonetheless 
has sincere and strong suspicions that the 
"official stories" given for certain 
big events in human history are 
not adequate, seem incongruous or flawed, 
or could realistically be a "coverup-story"----Especially when the concept of  CUI BONO ("who benefits"?) is applied, and a strong probable motive is discovered for powerful forces who would reap that benefit. 

Tower 7 on 9-11

 Judge Napolitano says: Be suspicious of 9-11 "Official story"



                                                 Remember The Maine...

                        Destroyed hulk of USS Maine, Havana Harbor, 1898

American Citizens lied to and tricked into wars, again and again


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